RODES - Robuste Optimierung für das Design von Energiesystemen

For the transformation to a climate-neutral energy supply to succeed, the energy systems must be massively expanded and transformed. During the whole transformation process, the permissible operation of the system must be ensured at all times. One building block for mastering these challenges is model-based expansion and transformation planning in combination with integrated operation planning. If long periods or large systems are planned, very large optimization problems arise.
The deployment of fluctuating renewables and the planning for future systems imply that the system has to deal with many, possibly large uncertainties. Currently, the uncertainties in such systems are mainly handled by considering scenarios and calculating individual sensitivities. In the project RODES this shall be extended and complemented by using methods of robust optimization in different new ways, e.g., for calculating sensitivities for very large models or for efficiently finding "tipping points" of the parameters, which lead to a fundamentally different configurations.
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF).
Dauer: 10/2022-09/2025
Partner: Technische Universität Darmstadt (Leitung), Universität Trier
Beteiligte Fachgebiete an der TU Darmstadt: AG Optimierung, EINS