Allan Santos received his PhD
On October 11th Allan Santos successfully defended his dissertation at EINS. After a little less then four years working on his thesis he did it. Congratulations and all the best for your career!
On October 11th Allan Santos successfully defended his dissertation at EINS. After a little less then four years working on his thesis he did it. Congratulations and all the best for your career!
Conference: Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies: A "System of Systems" Approach'
The research training group KRITIS (associated with EINS) hosted a scientific conference on 14-15 November entitled 'Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies: A "System of Systems" Approach'. The conference was ...
Athene-Preis für Gute Lehre 2023
Wir freuen uns, den Sonderpreis für Interdisziplinäre Lehre 2023 mit der Veranstaltung Energiewende gestalten gewonnen zu haben.
Allan Santos received his PhD
On October 11th, Allan Santos successfully defended his dissertation at EINS...
Honorable Mention for Best Presentation Award @ SESAAU23
Julia received an honorable mention for the Best Presentation Award at the Smart Energy Systems Conference (SESAAU).
Best Paper @ PMAPS
Mario obtained one of the best paper awards at the conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS)
Energietechnische Exkursion 2022
Netzwerken und Lernen: Kommt mit auf die Energietechnische Exkursion 2022!
Paper accepted at NeurIPS 2021
Our paper on „Implicit Generative Copulas“ authored by Tim Janke, Mohamed Ghanmi and Florian Steinke was accepted at the 35th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021).
New lecture available
We are glad to announce that we offer a new lecture: "Energiewende gestalten"
Best student paper award at PMAPS 2020
Tim Janke received the Roy Billinton Student Paper award at the Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems Conference
Power & Energy Student Summit PESS 2020 Conference
From 5. to 7. october 2020 at the Technical University of Darmstadt.